Today was fun because... well... I got some fun new things. I feel really spoiled saying that, but it's true. Nothing grand or outrageously exciting, but I had ordered a few things on-line last week (I never do that, EVER!) and they all came... today!

First, my naked Sarabinder. I have big plans for you, little Sarabinder. You will be covered in pretty papers and ribbon and you will be my planner. I know it's March, little Sarabinder, but it's never too late to get organized for the year.

Second, my new recipe album. I've been waiting a long time for you, little recipe album. I've asked for you for two Christmases now, but clearly my need for you hasn't been urgent. When it comes right down to it, I probably won't use you much, but you sure will look pretty on my counter! :) Okay, seriously, I had elaborate plans for making my own recipe book, but the scraps of paper and recipes are taking over my cookbook counter. I'm on a mission to get organized. And on a mission to start cooking better, so if anyone out there has a must-have recipe, please pass it my way!

Third, two new CDs for my girls. You look so different to me, little CDs. Last time I saw you, you were much larger and made of vinyl. I grew up on Psalty... did anyone else? My parents have my original records, but I don't think they'll fit in my CD player. So, I took the plunge last week and ordered them. I hope my girls love this music as much as I did. Last week when we were driving back from Dallas, Gary and I tried entertaining the girls by singing Psalty songs. It was so fun to trigger each other's memories with songs from our past! I hadn't sung some of those songs in 20 years, and could remember every word. I hope Emma and Addie like them!

Fourth, these evil little yummy treats that Kristen left at my house last night! You taunt me sitting all cute like that in my freezer, little Dibs. Between you and my UFO candies, I will soon be ordering excercise tapes and larger clothes on-line as well.
Finally, after spending a few days at my cousin's DVR-equipped home, it was soon evident that this was a luxury we could not live without! So, we signed up for the Comcast Triple-Play thingy and with our saved money (seriously!) we signed up for DVR service. Huh, that was good thinking. Way to save some money (not!). But WOW is it cool. There's no turning back now. Figuring that thing out today was like figuring out those fun Christmas morning gadgets. Gary is going to LOVE it!
Today was also very great because my parents came up for lunch and to pick up something we borrowed. HOWEVER... they also dropped off a bunch of junk for me! Thanks a lot! :) So now, residing in my living room are crates of every single page of notes, every paper, every quiz, every exam, every piece of paper I ever received in high school. Note to self: remind my girls NOT to save every last thing. I'm throwing most of it away, but of course I feel like I need to meticulously go through everything to make sure there isn't some gem in there. I have run across some very funny things though, which I hope to post soon. They're too good not to share!
Also great today... a friend/neighbor offered to take my girls for a couple hours! I felt like a new woman when she brought them back! And she said they were GOOD! That alone made today terrific.

Finally, a fresh new picture of my sweet, adorable 6-week-old niece, Kenzie. She is a DOLL!!!