Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Blogging 101 Follow-up

Wow! I hit a nerve with my blogging tips. A few questions were asked in my comments, and I thought I'd answer them here just in case others want to know the answers. I just want to remind you that I'm really a novice and I'm learning as I go.

From Abby:
(comment edited for brevity...) Didja really need to call me out?

Yes. Yes, I did.

From Natalie:
What are the numbers beside the url address?

I think you're asking about the numbers in parentheses beside each blog that's listed in Google Reader. If you're not, please let me know. That's the number of new posts to read for each blog! It's overwhelming when you first sign up, because it goes back and grabs days or weeks worth and makes you think you've got way more to read than you probably do. You can check "mark all as read" for each blog if you want to start fresh. If you keep up with it, you'll rarely see more than a "1" next to each blog. But if you're like me, I'm terribly behind and currently have 86 (yes, 86!) posts to catch up on. I might pull a Kelly and just mark them ALL as read, but I'm not sure I have the guts. Kelly is a brave, brave woman.

From Cam:
Here's a question for you. Do my comments have an email reply option?

If you mean could I respond directly to your comment when it was emailed to me, no. I think it's because you don't have a google account (you could get one just for ease in commenting) and so there is no email address connected with your comment. Otherwise... I could've just answered this question via email! (Well, I know I could've anyway, I just thought I'd answer it here in case others wondered the same thing.) But, if you were asking if the comments you get on YOUR blog have the email reply option... I don't know the answer to that because you don't use blogger and it's all I know! (Not helpful, I know.) I have noticed that several of you took my advice and plugged in your email address! Yahooo! Thanks for doing that. It's nice to know someone listens to me, even if my 2 and 4 year old don't.

From Kim:
So I tried google reader and did well until it wouldn't let me put in some of the blogs I read. What am I doing wrong? I typed many in and they were added easily and then it said it couldn't find some of the blogs I typed in. I am so new at all this- any help is appreciated!

Argh. I know your frustration, because I have about 6 blogs I read that Google Reader just won't accept. Unfortunately, I can't help you! I wish I could. For all but one of mine, they are through other blogging sites or just websites, and I think I just don't have the know-how to get them into Reader. The other one IS a blogspot blog and it's a mystery to me why it can't be found because I read it every day! In fact, it's funny because when I plugged it in to "Add Subscription," an entirely different blog popped up in it's place. And guess what? Now I'm hooked on THAT blog! (I think I need help.) The good news is that with one of the blogs which was giving me a problem, I asked the blog owner who knew exactly how to get it into my Reader. Thanks, Mer! So, you could just inquire if it's worth it to you. In the meantime, I have a separate little bookmarked folder titled "Blogs I read NOT in Google Reader!" and I'm careful to check those a couple times a week so as to not miss updates. I wish I could help you more. If I learn the secret, I'll be sure to let you know.

From Byranie:
My only question is what am I going to do with my no-longer-needed obsession of checking everyone's site?

I'm glad you asked, Byranie, because I too struggled with this once I started subscribing to my most loved blogs through Google Reader. I began filling my time by finding MORE blogs to read consistently now that I had more time to do so. When I realized that defeated the purpose, I focused on feeding my family three balanced meals a day and catching up on months of laundry that had been neglected whilst I surfed blog after blog. I'm happy to report that my family is well and thriving and that they now realize that the glow on my face is pregnancy related and not from a computer screen.

From Anonymous:
All I can say is...
HUH? I have a blog that someone we all know and love (Angie) created for me...I can't even access it and even if I could I have no idea what any of you just said to each other. 'Guess I'll go back to school for this because for now my "BLAH-G" is just that. You all amaze me.

Well, Anonymous, I'm just happy that you read this post. Reading a blog is generally the first step in owning one. I'm happy to turn over the keys to your blog and will email you the information you need to access it yourself. It's sat idle for exactly three long months now, and I'm quite eager to see how you de-"blah" your BLAH-G. I doubt others will agree that Rappin' with Kimmy-Kat is very "blah". And now that the link is out there for all to follow, there is no pressure, Kimmy-Kat! If you need help, you have the ultimate fast pass to Blogging 101 - my phone number. Now get blogging, MOM!


  1. Angie! I can't believe you revealed my identity. I sure hope that anyone who knows me, knows better than to think that I had anything to do with the name or the rap associated with 'my blog', let alone the lovely picture of the cat. No Kathleen, that's not the new Sugar. Angie, you are hilarious! You and your sisters are all the entertainment I need to keep me laughing and loving life like I do. I love your blogs so I think..."Why do I need my own?"
    Maybe some day I'll take you up on your offer but for now I'll enjoy yours.
    Love ya,

  2. The whole Goggle Reader is an AMAZING time saver! A million thanks over for sharing!!!

  3. LOL at your mom.

    But yes, I was asking if YOU can reply directly to my comments left on your blog. I didn't think you could, since you never have. The thing is, I HAVE a google account. I've had one for a couple of years...when I started using the reader last week I used that account. I don't know why it's not making me e-mailable. What up, google???

  4. well....maybe I should check that little box right here on the comment form that says "email me with follow-up comments"???? DURRRRRRR!
    Have I really been so clueless????

  5. No, no, no. What that will do is email you every comment left after yours. That's good if bloggers really carry on a dialogue through their comments. So when I started this comment, I thought to myself, oh, I'll email this to Cam too, just in case she doesn't come back to read the comments, but the thing is, now that you've checked that box, you WILL get it! (Okay, that was a long run-on sentence.)

    Check and see if this is what you have: in your Blogger User Profile, under Identity, you should have your email address listed n the second box. It does NOT say that it's required, so you may have left it blank. Now, up above under Privacy, you can choose to either have your email shown or not shown on your PROFILE, but I think that as long as it's plugged in, I can respond to your comments. If that's all set like I described, then I don't know what your problem is! LOL! (Just kidding, friend!)

  6. I'm so thrilled that you are making this so stupid simple for .... me. :) However my remainig question is ... how do you get my blogs attached to your sidebar over there??? :) hehe. Ya know, I'm still probably going to make you pop in and actually show me how to do all this. :)

  7. Wow. That Cam is a computer dummy. BIG DURRR!!

  8. Google Reader, huh? Gonna have to check that out! :) I've had so little time to blog or READ blogs lately. Waaaaaaaaaaah! Nice post :)

  9. Thanks for the info on how to sign up for google reader...I really needed it!!!

  10. Here is what I use for blogs that I have trouble getting into Google Reader (I'm sure I got it from Meredith).

    http://www.blog name here.com/feeds/posts/full

    It has worked on all of the straggler blogs that I was having trouble with.

  11. I put my blogs to read in Reader after your last post. Ironically, YOURS would NOT let me subscribe. I tried a few times and gave up, but went back today and was able to add you. I had that happen with another blog and was finally able to enter it a few days later as well without doing anything differently.
    Now I can enjoy your blog with ease!

    Happy nesting. I'll look forward to hearing about your new little one.

    Sadly, for us, my pregnancy ended last week, the 18th week. I know you know the pain. I am sooo happy for you!


Thanks for visiting! And thanks a bunch for commenting!


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