Friday, January 28, 2011

Seeds of Courage WINNER!

Thanks to all who entered to win a Seeds of Courage CD! I wish I could send one to each of you. It's THAT good!

Here is the video in which we draw a name from all of the comments and make fools of ourselves at the end. And for no good reason. *sigh*

**I just viewed this video on my blog and what have I done wrong?! The audio is normal but the video is slightly in fast motion. It's kind of ridiculous. So the end part of the audio got cut off, but the video is intact, which is funny. Oh dear.**

Congrats, winner! I'll send you that CD right away, since I happen to have your address and all.

And more than anything, THANKS for praying for Joanne. Keep it up. In fact, I encourage you to head over to her blog and send her and her family an encouraging note right now. I know that when you go through something like this, that once the initial shock and concern wane, there's a lonely lull when it seems like people have forgotten. Keep praying for Joanne and her family! I can't wait to watch the progress she makes over the next days and weeks... and years. God's not done with miracles yet!

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!!! I'm glad I won but i meant it when I said you didn't have to enter me...I'll take it though! :) Wish I could see the video with the audio attached the right way - it is quite interesting the way it posted. You know I always love the funny faces you and your family make. You're all so comical!! Thanks for picking me! Love ya!!


Thanks for visiting! And thanks a bunch for commenting!