Thursday, January 27, 2011

I Have To Tell You About This Book

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Weary and wanting more.

That's how I feel a lot of the time. I love my life, but I look around and wonder, "Is this it?"

And I have no complaints - I have all I need. I have all I want. I love my family. We've been blessed with good health. But sometimes, in the monotony of schedules and housework and meeting my kids' needs, I just feel like I'm in a holding pattern, waiting for something. Something. It's not that I'm unhappy, in fact, I'm really happy. I just sometimes wonder...

Even when my hope is in the Lord and I know I need to look no further than Jesus for fulfillment, I still feel like something is missing. How can that be?

I know I'm not alone. I've talked to and cried with many friends who wonder the same things.

Well! I'm reading a book right now that has sucked me in and is making me think about a lot of this stuff. I think you should read it.

The cover says, "A dare to live fully right where you are." The book is One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.

Her writing is so poignant and poetic, but also so practical. I was reading the book earlier today with laundry piled up around me and two of the kids bickering and was somehow able to focus in on what she was saying with such peace. And then, I was instantly able to put it down to be with my kids - I mean really be with my kids - and appreciate and love them all the more. You'll know what I mean.

I'm going to be reading this book along with Bloom Book Club. I'd love it if you joined me! Here's a short and BEAUTIFUL video about the book - I encourage you to take a few minutes to watch it.

You can find details about the book club here. The first discussion isn't until February 6th, so you have plenty of time to get the book and read the first chapter. Let me know if you think you'll do it too! I'd love to know we're on this journey together.


  1. omygoodness, Angie, we really need to get together...I just started reading this too! I had to stop after the first page to take a breath :)

  2. This book looks amazing, thanks for sharing. I just added it to my 'to read' list :)

  3. My copy just arrived yesterday. I can' wait to start!

  4. I just watched the video...and put the book on hold at the library. I am not sure I will have it in time to participate in the book club. But thank you for sharing this. It seems to be just what I need as I crave more in my life but can not put my finger on what "more" is right now.

  5. Hey I stumbled upon your blog. I have been looking at this book for a little white and finally just ordered on Amazon. Thanks for the info!


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