Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What is... mortified?

Ahhh, Matt Morris.  Yep, there he is in all his Teen Tournament glory.  And there I am, in all my awkward high school glory.  I thought he was so cute, and it seemed totally normal that my mom would snap a picture of me posing next to him on TV.  Totally normal.

Well, last weekend I received an email that caught me by surprise:

Wait... WHAT?  So let me get this straight:  Matt Morris read my blog?  He saw that awkward, stalkerish picture?  I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.  In the end, I decided to laugh, and I laughed HARD.  And then just when I didn't think it could get more ridiculous or embarrassing, I got a follow-up email from the girl who dated him:

Wait, wait, wait.  WHAT?!  Seriously?  I had to use my excellent stalker skills to find his Facebook profile.  Sure enough...

Need a closer look?

Lovely.  When I asked Gary what he thought about his wife's picture on some guy's Facebook page, he said, "What is... disturbing?!" Ha ha!  I think it's hilarious.  I can guarantee you that 18 years ago when that picture was taken, I never thought it would be on Facebook, I never thought I'd be blogging about it, but most of all, I never in a million years thought Matt Morris would ever see it.

Hey, Matt Morris:  What is... a restraining order?  :)  Just kidding!

The girl who gave me the inside scoop about my Jeopardy crush blogs at www.eminnyc.tumblr.com.  Check her out!


  1. I am rolling over here! That is HILARIOUS! What a great story! I think I'll do a little stalking of my own and find his facebook page. Hey, maybe he'll "friend" you! I mean, if he can have your picture as his profile pic... wouldn't it be funny if you got a request from him? LOL! I can't stop laughing! Love you, cousin! :)

  2. Angie, this is hilarious!!! thanks for sharing :) technology is something else!

  3. This is your best post ever! I'm ROFL! Wow. I have so many thoughts. First, if he's so sweet, then why, barely a week later, are they not on speaking terms? LOL! And why, 18 yrs later, is he STILL playing the dating game? And the FB picture...Angie, only you would be so...lucky?

  4. Oh my goodness, this is so hilarious!!! What a great story!

  5. I LOVE this!!! You should totally friend him on Facebook.... :)

  6. Oh my goodness. I cannot believe he used your picture as his profile picture!

  7. I think you are awesome for posting this! LOVED it!

  8. Only you Angie, only you :) I LOVE it!!

  9. Oh my goodness, hilarious! :)

  10. Angie - that is too hilarious to even be real!! How DO these things happen to you?? Probably your sweet and beautiful charm. : ) Thanks for sharing - makes me so excited to see you!!

  11. I am literally laughing out loud & I have TEARS running down my face!!!!!! THIS IS SO funny!!! And, SO Angie!!! I swear, you have the most classic things happen to you. LOVE it. So.Awesome.

  12. what is....welcome back, Angie! Glad to find a new post from you...and what a great one!!! MISS YOU! See you in June :)

  13. You have the BEST stories, dear friend. Hahahahahahaha!!!!

  14. That is the best! I think he has an awesome sense of humor putting up that picture on his fb...sounds like something you would do.

  15. I love you, Angie! What are the chances!?! I am seriously rethinking a blog post I've had in the works for several months which includes a high school crush and a famous biologist. I feel mortified just thinking about either of them finding out.

    So glad you decided to laugh about it...

  16. ROFL... this cracked me up SO bad! Only you, Angie! Only you!

  17. Oh wow! What a hilarious story to tell the grandchildren! I love this! I just stumbled upon your blog and I'm now following. It seems we have a lot in common, except for I'm an Alabama girl with 1 child, unless you count my hubby who I consider sometimes my other child! lol Please stop by bellanest.blogspot.com any time! God bless!

  18. Angie!!! That is BEYOND BEYOND hilarious!!!!!!!!

  19. I'm passing on the Versatile Blogger Award to you! Love you, cousin! http://www.sweetavakate.blogspot.com/2012/04/versatile-blogger-award.html

  20. Friend, I am pretty sure we are kindred spirits. I watched Matt Morris on Jeopardy in high school and said, "I'm going to marry that guy." I then proceeded to stalk him in college with my first email account. We emailed for a couple months. So fun to "meet" you!


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