Thursday, December 08, 2011

Thrifty Leg Warmer Tutorial

I found pictures of these sweaters-turned-leg-warmers floating 
around Pinterest the other day and raced out to make them.

Aren't they the cutest?
Call them leg warmers, call them boot socks, but I call them FUN.
And they're so cozy this time of year.  And red for Christmas?  Perfect.

Here's what to do...

I got a sweater from the thrift store for 99¢.  Then I cut off the sleeves.
The sleeves are cut at an angle, so I evened them out by cutting straight across.

Now at this point, you can stop if you have no sewing skillz.  Seriously.  The first two times I wore these, I wore them just like this!  I just stuffed them down in my boots and no one was the wiser.  But let me warn you, if you do it that way, you'll be left with a whole lot of tiny yarn pieces that will shed everywhere each time you wear them.

I want you to know that I'm a "good enough" kind of seamstress.  
So I promise you can do this, no matter how much sewing experience you have.

Here's how to finish them.  

When I tucked them into my boot, they were a little wide down at the bottom.  
I turned it inside-out, and sewed a straight-ish line to narrow them.  

And then I cut off the extra off the side.

Next I zig-zag stitched the raw edges on the side and on the top in order to cut down on the fraying and aforementioned stray yarn pieces.

Finally, I just folded the top (which is actually the bottom) of the leg warmer over, and sewed another straight-ish line around to hem it.

It will look like this:
This looks pretty shoddy, I know.  
But once you turn it back right-side-out, it looks fine.


I admit, I've worn them three times in the last week.

The first time, I wore them to a Christmas party with skinny jeans, tall black boots and a tank and a cardigan.  

The second time, I wore them to church and a baby shower with a black/gray striped dress, scarf, leggings and my tall black boots.

I wore them again yesterday to a Christmas brunch, 
with skinny jeans, a tank a cozy gray sweater.  

They're fun to wear.  You can let them just barely peek out the tops of your boots, or wear them tall and slouchy.  I've even seen them folded down over the tops and even worn OVER the boots!  Cute no matter how you do it!

I have two more sweaters waiting for me - 
one with stripes and a fair isle knit.  Can't wait!
Let me know if you try it!  

Bonus picture...
My little photographer (Emma) got bored while taking pictures:
I love her!
(That's "Angie + Gary" for those not "in the know.")
Happy Thursday!


  1. And you could use the leftovers to make a sweater vest for Gary! ;)

  2. so cute! I have to get on board with this whole sewing thing...i've seen so many adorable things that look easy, but that machine just intimidates me "SEW" much!

  3. I made these weeks ago and have been wearing them ever since...cute and warm, perfect for these chilly days!

  4. Very cute, Angie! I'm enjoying following your blog!...I just joined pinterest and have no clue what I"m doing! I need to sit one day and read the help section....Merry Christmas!

  5. Ooh, you could save the other parts of the sweaters & make a cool quilt with them...!
    Very fun legwarmers!

  6. Silly me, I thought it would be E + J! Did you know that Josiah had to pick four pictures and write an autobiography about his life? You guessed it...his third picture is he and Emma at his glow in the dark party.

  7. Love these! I have a friend making me some leg warmers to wear with my tall boots and I'm sending her your tutorial!

  8. Love it! You are so pretty in the pics:)

  9. Adorable! I made two pillows out of 2 sweaters Chris hadn't worn in years! I saved the arms for this very thing! I love the red! Miss you, cousin! xoxo

  10. Jenny on the Spot linked this on her post which is how I found it and wow! I love them! I have a couple sweater-like shirts I don't wear that I might have to go this route with. I'm always trying to bulk up and stay warm and these are farrrrrr too cute not to try. Thanks for posting this. I'm totally linking you later on my site. I know of a few friends that will probably want to try this out :)

    Yay for Pinterest. lol

  11. So awesome! I can't sew, so I bought a few pairs today today. LOL!

  12. After viewing probably 15 dif web pages, blogs, videos, etc....this one spoke to me when I read "sewed a straight-ish line" and referring to yourself as a "'good enough' kind of seamstress". Thank you for speaking my language. Because just cause I have a sewing machine doesn't mean I really know how to use it (ha!!) And round one of sweater leg warmers - SUCCESS!


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