Monday, December 12, 2011

One Man's Trash

Last Christmas, Gary and I agreed to not spend any money on each other's gifts.  Instead, we were giving a chunk of our Christmas budget to Kids Against Hunger.

So imagine my surprise when I came down the stairs on Christmas morning to find two HUGE presents wrapped just for me!

Here is the awesomeness of my husband:  knowing I'd been searching the world for two (reasonably priced) french doors to hang as giant picture frames, when he saw them, he got them for me.  The twist is that he found them in a dumpster.

There they were: two beautiful, weathered, white french doors all alone without a home.  After getting permission from the dumpster's owners, Gary rescued them from certain demise and brought them home for me.  He and the girls printed out pictures with a white border, discreetly taped them up behind the glass in each panel, and voila!  Beautiful.

We hung them last Christmas after the decorations came down, and this year it's fun to see the lights reflected in the glass. I'm thinking about garnishing them with a bit of garland or sprigs of pinecones.

I've never been so pleased.  Best (and cheapest!) Christmas gift ever.  

This is when it pays to have a frugal hubby!
Love ya, Gary!


  1. What an awesome idea! Might have to steal that one!!!

  2. How cute... I love this! I'm "pinning" it! :) xoxo

  3. How did you anchor the doors to the wall for safety???

  4. We did the same thing and secured 2 rings to the back of 1 door. On the wall, we secured large hooks directly to studs and we hang the doors rings onto the wall hooks. it works great and even tilts them down slightly for a great perspective.
    What I'm stuck on is how to secure the pictures themselves to the glass. I don't like the look of scotch tape directly on the glass really either so feeling a bit stuck on that one!


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