Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I didn't mean not to blog this past week.  Time flew by!  I feel like it was just this morning I was waking up to the kids piling pillows on my head.  Oh yeah, that's because they tried it again today!  Ha!  But I was on to them this time.  

Plus, I had to get up and get everyone going because we had a field trip to accompany.  It turns out that a freezing cold, rainy day at the zoo where every inch of you gets soaked with no hope of warm relief, with the first graders and my own littles is not as fun as it sounds.  

But anyway, this past weekend we celebrated Mother's Day!  

We dedicated Miss Chloe to the Lord on Sunday at church.  I love this Mother's Day tradition.  Publicly acknowledging that Chloe isn't ours, but belongs to God is an honor.  Praying to raise her in the ways of the Lord in front of our family and church family is a really special thing and something we take seriously.

Talkative little Chloe was a little chatterbox the whole time and babbled away during everyone else's prayer.  But once her Daddy started praying, she was all ears.
 She's pretty cute, don't you think?

Here she is wearing a baptism dress that was worn by her great-great... Grandma?  
I don't quite remember, but we've taken pictures of each of the girls in it on their dedication days.  It's really pretty.
 Here's me with my mom, and the little girl who made me a mom.  
I love them both so very much!
 Here's our best family photo of the day:  
Brody was so sick on Sunday and the girls weren't into it.  
I'll take what I can get!

Finally, the photo shoot.  I love hanging out with my mom and sisters.  But it seems that every get-together ends the same... I'll let the photos do most of the talking. 

It always starts out so well.  
I think our husbands would agree that we just don't know when to stop.


  1. chloe is such a cutie! i hope you had a nice mother's day, angie. miss you!

  2. Yes, she is beautiful.
    I love dedications, also. But that reminds me we've never done Desmond' would be easier if we had a church, lol.
    You took Brody to church SICK! ANGIE! ;)
    And the real reason I commented: you should've ended the sis-pic photo shoot with a pic of the puddle under that swing. I know it was there.

  3. CAM!!! In my defense, he was absolutely fine Sunday morning. You know me - I err on the side of caution when it comes to that! But he faded quickly as the morning wore on.

    And I had to photoshop the puddle out. Shhhhh!

  4. I came back to read your reply! (Thanks for telling me.)
    I know you wouldn't. I figured it was something like that and had to rib you.
    lol @ the puddle! ;)

  5. Chloe is so adorable! And I loved the shots of your family too. Y'all would fit right in with mine. ;-)

  6. Can I go on a retreat with you and your sisters?

  7. It made me smile, laugh and cry to see these photos. You all are so adorable and missed so VERY much! Have I mentioned I can't wait to see you all? There WILL be some crazy fun going on!!! Love you!


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