Thursday, April 14, 2011

Chop chop!

The girls have been growing their hair out for a while now, with the hopes of donating it.

Last week they couldn't take it another second and begged me to take them to get their hair cut. I love playing with their hair - braids, ponytails, messy buns, french braids, sponge curlers, bows, bows, BOWS! But I reluctantly took them to get the big CHOP.

A certain little blondie chickened out, but still got a couple of inches off.
(I was relieved.)

Emma got THE CHOP.

She barely had enough to donate it to Pantene Beautiful Lengths, which requires 8". (Locks of Love requires 10".) That's all she needed to hear! She was ready.

The hairdresser asked Emma, "Are you ready?"
And I jumped in and said, "No! I'm not!"
But... snip, snip!

I love it. She looks adorable. It took a few days for me to get used to it, but I love how fresh and well-kept it looks. And I'm proud of her for wanting to help others in this way.

Thankfully it's still long enough to play with.
I've already done a couple of little braids and a ponytail and a headband...
so our HUNDREDS of hair accessories aren't going to waste!
(You think I'm kidding...)
I just *love* her cute little profile!
Now she says she doesn't want to cut it for a long time because she wants to donate it again. I won't try to convince her otherwise this time. I love it!


  1. It's like Anne .... only she did it for a worthy cause, not because she turned it green. :)
    I love her heart. Such a sweet gesture for someone of any age - but especially her age.

  2. She is a special, special little lady. So much of it comes from inside her special little heart, but give yourselves a pat on the back for encouraging her to be good every day and for enable-ing her to do this thing. It probably made her feel wonderful. BTW -she would look adorable with a MOP on her head!!! :)

  3. Good for her! She is getting an earlier start- my goal is/was to make a wig- which takes 10 donations. I started in college. I will be at it my entire life! I think she looks super cute though. Good for her.

  4. Love it! :) I did that once, too, a few years ago. What a great feeling it was!

  5. I LOVE it!! :)

    What a doll! I've always thought the girls would look cute with little bobs... and she's adorable. Does a certain little blondie have regrets for not doing it?

    My hair would never grow fast enough (and it's so dang thin) that I admire her for doing this.

    Way to go, Ems! Love you dolly!!
    xoxo, Aunt Abby

  6. such a sweet sacrifice! way to go, mommy for encouraging her to do this! i wish i could have donated my time and cut it for her. :(


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