Wednesday, March 16, 2011

wiww {5}

I think this might be my last wwiw post.

The fact is, there are just going to be days I'm in my sweats all day. Shoot, there are going to be days I don't get out of my jammies. Looking presentable on those other days hasn't really been an issue. But really - when I'm on the floor playing dinosaurs with Brody or painting at the table with the girls, does it matter what I'm wearing? No.

And I'm okay with that!

And besides, I'm no fashion plate. My shopping rarely reaches beyond Target, Kohl's and Old Navy, so I'm not charting any new territory there.

Or maybe I'm just being a grouch. Although I do really enjoy peeking at the other wiww posts each Wednesday to get ideas of how I could put different outfits together. I'll admit though, sometimes it makes me want to go shopping, so that part of it is bad.

Thanks for bearing with me as I think out loud.

On to this week's anticipated pictures:

Last Wednesday
{Adorable baby trumps outfit}
top: Kohl's
cardi: Old Navy
jeans: Gap
shoes: Kohl's

{I do not remember last Thursday. At all.}

{visited Joanne}
tank: Gap
cardi/wrap: Costco (!)
jeans: Kohl's
flower pin: Gap
ruffled flats: Marshalls

{birthday dinner with my dad}
top & leggings: WalMart
tank: Old Navy
shoes: Payless
flower pins: made 'em myself!

What? Yes, I pretty much wore Saturday's outfit. So?
top: WalMart
tank: Old Navy
jeans: Kohl's
boots: Marshall's
flower pins: made 'em myself

{stayed home}
"The Uniform" (see Tuesday last week)

{a bit of color}
green top , pink top & necklace: Kohl's
jeans: Old Navy
shoes: Payless

Go over to Lindsey's to see the others and link up!
Let's see those jammies outfits!


  1. You always look great! You look chic even when you're just staying at home. It's a feat to just get a shower, put on a little make up and just get dressed when you have little ones at home!

  2. Your outfits are adorable! When my kids were little, I made virtually no effort at all! I would say RUN to your local Walmart and try to find those boots! They are a steal. I had to go to 2 Walmarts to find mine but well worth the effort!

  3. Well I think your outfits are super cute! I never get beyond Target for new, everything else I own is from thrift stores or maybe eBay. Keep posting!

  4. Hey Angie! Love the outfits this week. It's funny you call that one outfit your "uniform"...Thomas always says, "oh look, it's game time!" when I'm in that kind of outfit. Hahah.. looks like it's nice enough to not wear socks or big jackets or scarves! Enjoy spring! Long

  5. What a great find at Costco! :)

  6. I think you look great! I don't remember what I wore when the kids were little but probably lots of sweats and jeans.

    I have not done WIWW yet, but I really should as I need to step up my game. It's been cold and rainy lately and I'm wearing lots of sweatshirts.

    I laughed at the Costco wrap because I saw one there just the other day but I swear I couldn't figure out how to put it on, lol! (Of course, I only had one hand available at the time as the other one was holding something).

  7. There is a place for you when you don't looks this cute. And when your kids do it up right. Come on over to my blog this saturday and link up your "Stylin' Saturday" post. And by Stylin' I mean, well . . . anything goes that doesn't go.

  8. Angie! I'm so glad that you found my blog!! I was at the grand opening in Lafayette and got the most amazing red boots and a beautiful car coat with a fur collar! I work in Goodwill PR, but my job is to shop and blog!! This Sat is half off---give it a shot! I would love to meet up sometime and we could shop together!!

  9. I just love your looks. You are a super cute Momma!

  10. OK. So I've been reading your site religiously lately (holy blogging, Batman, the girl is back), and I love your WIWW posts because you are adorable and I love your taste in clothes. (Run-on much?) But I totally understand why you might stop at this point. After a while, there is only so much one can do.

    Personally, I'm all about the jeans and sweater combo. I might accessorize with a fun scarf or bright earrings or necklace but really? That's about it. I'm happy with my everyday look. It's nothing super stunning or stylish, but I'm OK with that. It's fun and functional and it doesn't cost a lot of money or cause me a lot of angst. Good 'nuff.


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