Wednesday, March 09, 2011

wiww {4}

Here we go again!

Do I think I dress with great style and flair?
Am I a fashionista?
Do I like taking pictures of myself?
No, no and NO.

Lindsey at The Pleated Poppy started "What I Wore Wednesday" as a way to get out of sweats (or, ahem, jammies) and into real clothes. This week started out okay and went downhill fast...

Last Wednesday
{Addie says this is my cowgirl outfit}
shirt & jeans: Kohl's
shoes: Payless

tank: Target
shirt/dress: WalMart ($3 on clearance, thankyouverymuch!)
cardi: Gap
jeans: Kohl's (same as Wednesday)
shoes: really old... maybe Kohl's?

We went to some friends' house for dinner on Friday.
We went out on a date on Saturday.
I didn't take pictures.
But I wish I would have, because things went downhill after that.

{skipped church - home with sick kids}
This entire, stunning ensemble is from Old Navy.
Sorry, Old Navy.

{sick kids part 2}
People! Please do not be jealous of my style!
Here I am in all of my un-showered, oversized sweatshirt,
make-up-from-the-day-before glory.
Take it in.
If you look closely, you might see evidence of my
girls' illnesses on my sweatshirt.
{sick kids part 3}
{A.K.A. no shower, day 3}
{picture? YEAH RIGHT.}

This week's question: How many days in a row have you not showered?
Just kidding.
Don't answer that. :)

Link up and play along!

And I dedicate this post to Kristen, who I'm pretty sure was taunting me earlier this week in her comments and didn't think I'd actually post pictures of me not showered. :)


  1. oh always look cute! Even when not showered. I'm just so impressed that you actually take showers everyday (minus sick kids days)...cuz I barely get showered myself and I only have ONE kid! But am I going to post pictures of my pregnant self who can't even fit into maternity clothes anymore??? NO! haha.. LOVE your outfits!

  2. You wear your "Mom Badge" very well!

  3. The last 2 are a little better :)

  4. I'm sorry you had sick kiddos. It really is hard trying to look your best when your being nurse mommy! You still look cute, though!

  5. Love Thursday's outfit! We had sick kids too, hope they are feeling better!


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