Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Aunt Again


my new niece, Maclaine!
(we'll call her Lainey)
born February 28, 2011
7 lbs., 13 oz.
19 1/2"

She's beautiful and perfect and had God's hand on her until her tricky delivery was complete.
Her big sister Kenzie loves her to pieces.
And so do her four cousins!
She is one loved little baby.
With lots of hair.
I love you, Lainey Lou!
That's not her middle name - I made that up.
She doesn't have one yet.
Aunt Abby, me and Grandma

Her mama's pretty proud of her.
And I'm pretty proud of her mama.


  1. BEAUTIFUL!!! Just like the rest of the girls in your family! Congrats to all of you!

  2. congrats! love the name. :)

  3. She has such a sweet little face! Congratulations Angie!

    Also, did you happen to notice that "Aunt Again" has all but one letter in common with "Aunt Angie". I only point it out because I read it wrong myself. It's reminds me of that one experiment that was done to see if our brians could still read a paragraph of misspelled words so long as each word still contained all the correct letters, just in the wrong order. Yuo kown, tihs oen? Awynay, jsut wntaed ot dorp ni adn sya yuor nwe nciee si guoregos!

  4. Angie - Lainey is so precious! Love all the pictures of everyone! Miss you all so much! Tell Amy, Justin and Kenzie congratulations from us.
    Mo - If you happen to read this...
    Your comment cracked me up. I read the whole message before realizing who it was that wrote it. I love those brain teasers! :)


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