Tuesday, February 08, 2011


Gary and I are different in a lot of ways.

One of our differences is that as a kid he was glad - nay, THRILLED to the tips of his toes - that he didn't have to celebrate his July birthday in the confines of his classroom. I, on the other hand, thought it was so unfair that I couldn't be at school to celebrate my June birthday. I remember one year in elementary school, we had a bunch of snow days and I secretly hoped we'd have enough make up days in June to stretch school to my birthday.

We didn't.

I just thought having a birthday in school with your teachers and classmates would be the funnest thing ever. Yep, I was that girl.

Well, my little 08-08-08 baby turned 2 1/2 today!

An August birthday cheats him out of the joy of celebrating at school. (Right, Gary?)

But a friend posted this really cute idea on Facebook, and I can't wait to make this for him in a few years when he's in school:

Cute, huh? That's my friend Alana's son, Lucas, and she made that shirt for him to celebrate his half birthday at school. AT SCHOOL!!! So clever!

Happy half birthday, my little guy. You melt my heart and fill me with joy every day.

Your terrible twos haven't been at all terrible so far, and I don't anticipate them being too bad if they ever arrive. You are just the funniest, most easy-going, adventuristical, sweetest little boy I've ever known.

I know you love your dinosaurs, your "pound" (hammer), your drums, your "weets" (treats), your hat, and your Daddy a whole lot, but I know you love me the most. :)

Here's to another happy six months of being two... even though you tell everyone you're three. I love you, Brody Bear!


  1. I've always found three was way worse than two...just sayin' ;)

    I love the half birthday idea. One of Abby's classmates just did the same thing last week. I agree--those summer birthday kids get jipped with the school treats. BUT! They always have the option of an outdoor birthday party, which my November and March babies never get.

  2. I'm with Gary on this one...I loved being at the beach for my summer birthday instead of at school! But the half birthday is a fun idea.....speaking from a mom's point of view...not a teacher's...hahaha.. Brody is sooooooooo cute!!!!!!!

  3. I'm with you on the bummer factor of having a summer birthday. I totally did the 1/2 birthday party in school one year (I think I was 8 1/2). It seemed like a great idea but I'll admit, after having the party and wearing the paper crown with the "8 1/2" on it I did feel a bit silly. It was the first and last 1/2 birthday celebration at school. I learned to be content with the annual pool party in July - the benefits of growing up in So Cal I suppose!

  4. such adorable pics of brody!!


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