Monday, January 24, 2011

Joanne... and a GIVEAWAY!

On the morning of January 11th, I was gearing up to give a quick little talk to my MOPS group about the importance of hiding God's Word in your heart, and instilling that value in your kids.

About the time I was stepping up to the front to share, my friend Joanne's daughter discovered her mom, unresponsive next to the treadmill she'd been using. It was quickly determined that she'd suffered a stroke.

I won't go into all the details here, because if you're reading my blog, you most likely have kept up to date via my Facebook updates or Joanne's blog. If you're new to Joanne's situation, I ask you to PRAY! Please pray for my friend. Here's where you can read updates and learn about how to help:

Joanne's blog (which her husband, Toben, is updating frequently)
Kristen's blog (Joanne's sister)

But as of yesterday, there is great news. I mean, GREAT news! She has begun to waken from her coma and the MRI showed healthy brain activity on the left side. Praise God! For more details, read Joanne's blog.

It's hard for me to wrap my mind around what has happened to Joanne and what her family - including her two little girls - are having to cope with. Joanne taught me so much prior to her stroke, but I've learned so many great things during her stillness. I can't wait to tell her when she wakes up.

The biggest thing that I've thought about during Joanne's journey is her love of Scripture. My girl Joanne LOVES the Word. And what's awesome is that she has passed that love down to her girls. When tragedy struck that day, nearly two weeks ago, her girls knew where to turn. Immediately her family claimed Psalm 46 for her life.

Joanne has been diligent in memorizing Scripture with her girls. In November, they completed memorizing all of Psalm 91. At the end of the video, Joanne turns to her girls and tells them how proud she is of them, and that God is proud of them too. She sums up the Psalm by reminding them that we need to call on Him when we're in trouble (v. 15). How AWESOME is it that they had this verse hidden in their hearts when their world crumbled around them? They knew that they would find refuge under His wings. I get teary thinking about it.

So, remember at the beginning when I said that I was getting ready to talk to my MOPS group? Well! How timely that I would share a little story with them about memorizing Scripture, because little did I know that it would consume my next two weeks, thanks to Joanne.

I shared with my MOPS group that Addie had been to the doctor the week before to get her 5-year immunizations. She was scared. On the way to the doctor, I saw the fear on her face and turned on some music to distract her. The CD that played was Seeds of Courage. The song that played was "Do Not Be Anxious" based on Philippians 4:6-7.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

She asked me about the word anxious. I explained that anxious means to worry, so the song is telling us that we don't need to worry about anything, but pray about it instead! Each time the song ended, she asked me to play it again. A glimpse in my rear view mirror told me that she was thinking hard about this song.

When we got to the doctor, she sat on my lap awaiting her shots. She was smiling - yes, smiling! - ear to ear. She got the first shot... she didn't wince. The second shot... not a blink. The third shot... she didn't even flinch. The fourth shot... she was STILL smiling.

The nurse was as stunned as I was! I asked her what her secret was, about how she was so brave. What did she say? "I prayed about it!"

So here's what I want to give away: A "Seeds of Courage" CD!

Here's what I love about the "Seeds" CDs: the lyrics to the songs are solely Scripture! The music is easy to listen to, the songs are catchy and you don't mind putting songs on repeat! Each CD comes with TWO CDs - one for you to keep and one to give to a friend. I haven't given away my "friend" portion yet, and want YOU to have it!

I admit it: memorizing Scripture is hard for me. Most of the Scripture I know by heart is the result of memorizing it in the form of a song. I'm thrilled that my kids love these songs and are hiding God's word in their hearts as Psalm 119:11 instructs us to do.

So, do you want this CD? Just leave a comment on this post. I'll draw a name on Friday and pop it in the mail to you!

(Can't wait and want it NOW? Visit Seeds Family Worship to get your own!)

And most importantly, please keep praying for my friend Joanne. God hears our prayers, people!


  1. beautiful Angie. I have to tell you Laura and I have been on our knees in prayer for this family. We have had some great conversations about God's work, or should I say wordless conversations because with each update we are speechless! We have never met Joanne, but now feel like we could just give her family a big hug like old friends. this is an amazing story, woman, and family.

  2. What a cool story about Addie! What a great hands on lesson she learned that day about the power of prayer and casting our cares on the Lord!
    I SO want that CD! :-) I had seen you or your friend mention that group on Facebook a couple weeks ago, and I checked it out a little on iTunes, but haven't bought any songs because I couldn't decide which ones to get! I love that they are ALL scripture, it's such a great way to hide God's word in our hearts.
    I'm praying for Joanne every day and am so thrilled to hear the encouraging updates.
    Hugs to you, friend!

  3. Angie,

    Thanks for the updates on Joanne. Our family has been praying for her. God is so amazing and we often forget how BIG. It's hard to wrap my head around how many people have found her blog and committed to pray! Just added that CD to my Amazon wish list for Harris. We were just talking about it at MOPS this last week. Let's catch up soon! Did you get our New Year's card...and announcement? 654654 Heather

  4. Thank you, Angie! Joanne's sister, Kristen, use to drive me to church every Sunday when I was a freshmen in college. I am so glad you know them. We will continue in prayer.

    As for the CD -- yes, please!

    (Love the story about Addie. It is so cool when it sinks into their little hearts.)

  5. I, too, have been praying like crazy for Joanne. I'm so encouraged by this latest news!
    Loving scripture and memorizing it has really been on my mind & heart lately, as well. (Maybe the Holy Spirit is really trying to get us all in line with how we should be thinking?!) My quiet time this morning was on how the Word of God is the only thing that lasts forever- so what am I spending my time and energy on? I've been spending time each morning writing down verses for me to memorize and for the kids to memorize. I think I'm going to add the Phil. verse to my list- it is such a great one! :)
    So- put me in the drawing, please, friend! :) Thanks!!!

  6. So funny that you are giving this one away. I just bought a set last week. I have not gotten them yet but am excited to share the scripture with my boys. Addie is such a blessing.

  7. I would love to win on of the Seeds CDs. My heart has been so burdened about Joanne since I first heard about her stroke on Beth Moore's daughter's blog. I have shed tears in praying for your friend whom I have never met, but can only imagine what her and her family are going through. Please know that I will continue to pray as long as needed.

  8. Angie - I have followed Joanns story since you first posted it, I am so amazed at the response and the power of prayer for her from around the world. If only all tragic things could have prayer like this...what would the world be like ~ Lisa

  9. I am going to get this CD for my kids! If you pick my name perchance in your drawing, pick another and give it to that person. This has been a desire of mine for my kids and I am so excited for this idea - my kids sing all the time and God's Word is the best thing they could be singing!
    Praying for your friend Joanne often - God brings her to my mind quite frequently. Excited to see how He is bringing glory to Himself already.
    You are a wonderful encouragement to me Angie - I am blessed to know you!

  10. I have to admit, I had not put much weight on memorizing scripture with my young children, but this story about your friend has changed my view. I LOVE that in a time she was unable to communicate with them, they knew exactly who to turn to during the most frightening time of their lives. I always just figured I would be there to guide them and teach them about turning to God and the scriptures when the time came. Talk about preparing your children in the way of the Lord!!!

  11. Angie, I have been glued to Joanne's blog and praying for their family. I had wanted to touch base with you at church, but did not see you. Awesome story about Addie! And Proud of you for sharing at MOPS! Would love to hear those songs. -leslie

  12. This isn't an entry because I already am a flibbertigibberish winner....of Joanne's book!

    I love this story and how good, good things can come from such an awful thing happening.

    I am checking out the CD for sure!

  13. Because of you, I've gotten to "know" Joanne. Thanks for introducing me so I can pray for her and her family. It's so wonderful to hear how God is taking care of her! (CD sounds cool) :)

  14. I have been following your blog for quite a while and love the way you write! I will be praying for your friend Joanne and her family.

    gertiemaetrude at gmail dot com

  15. I too have been praying for Joanne and following her blog.
    I would love this CD:) I have also been trying to figure out good ways to incorporate memorizing scripture into my kids lives.

  16. I've been praying for Joanne and her family! It hits pretty close to home because it is very similiar to Jason's dad's story. Thanks also for sharing at MOPs! I would LOVE the CD! :)

  17. Hi Angie. I've been praising God since I read Toben's post yesterday. God is good and He is faithful.

    I already have the CD, but wanted to encourage you nonetheless.

    Hope you are all doing well and we will continue to pray for Joanne, Toben and the girls.

  18. Thanks for the encouragement Angie. Continued prayers for Joanne, her family and those like you who call her friend. Peace and strength and hope and healing.

  19. Thanks Angie! I found your blog through Joanne. I'm excited about her progress and praying everyday continuously. Your story is encouraging. My daughter is just now getting into memorizing, she is 9. Songs from my own childhood bring scripture to mind and it definitely is a good way to memorize. Have a blessed day!

  20. Well, if I don't win the CD, I'll have to buy it. I must say that I'm not surprised by your kids' hearts for Jesus, but it makes MY heart smile every time I hear a story like this. Addie is a strong girl, and I'm proud of her for hearing God's whisper through that song, and that she sought Him right back.

    I'll say the same for Joanne's amazing family... She and Toben have done a great job of teaching and showing the girls Jesus' love, and I know they are depending on Him now. We serve a GREAT BIG God, and I am LOVING how He's showing us His majesty through the Heims right now. Still praying...

    Love you Ang!!! xoxo

  21. I love how you said you've learned so much from Joanne even in her silence. She'll love to hear those things someday! And I would LOVE to win that CD. I certainly want to get it as scripture memorization is something I really want to incorporate into our family but haven't done it! thanks

  22. Hey Angie! I am so encouraged every time I read Toben's updates. I, like you, have learned so much from this experience. I hope to one day have the opportunity to meet her.

    I am also so excited to get our first "Seeds of Courage" CDs. I told B we could start out with 2 and he chose "Seeds of Courage" and "Seeds of Encouragement"! He's already trying to figure out who to give his extra CD too as well. He came home from school yesterday and today and that's the first thing he asked, "did the CDs come today??!!" ... They should arrive any day!!

    Have fun!

  23. such a great story about addie! so sweet. :)
    i've been praying for joanne, toben, their girls, her extended family, her doctors, nurses, etc. such a sad situation but i'm so happy things are looking hopeful. :)
    i would LOVE this cd.
    miss and love you!

  24. Hi! You don't have to enter me (although I'd love to win)...but I of course have been praying for Joanne too!! She is amazing and I have been in awe of the people/loves she has impacted even in her "sleep"! SO cool...such a testiment to who she really is!! Just bummed we didn;t get that lunch in with her before all this happened! Looking forward to one in the future to hear all about this experience...I bet she's going to have a lot to say and I can't wait!!

    As for your sweet Addie - she's a trooper and I'm so glad she loves Jesus! Such a great feeling as a mom to listen to those little ones sing praises to the Lord!

    Love ya!

  25. Hi Angie, That CD sounds great! What a fun idea.Praying for you and your friend Joanne:)

  26. This CD sounds really cool!

  27. Hey Angie-

    Thanks for all the updates on your sweet friend Joanne. I've been following her blog since you first posted about her stroke, and even went a ways back and read many of her own posts. She seems like an incredible woman. And Toben sure sounds like the sweetest husband a lady could ask for. I'll keep following and praying for the whole family!

  28. I just really enjoy your blog :) I'll enter a giveaway for a new CD. Kylie loves music. Hugs to you and your family!


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