Monday, June 28, 2010

Afternoon Snippets

I was just outside watering my flowers and doing a little gardening, when I tuned into the Barbie extravaganza taking place on the deck. (Yesterday I surprised the girls with a new Barbie doll for each of them (I've had them for about two summers now and with Daddy gone, it seemed like a fun time for a surprise), and they seem to go perfectly with the little Barbie pool that Grandma gave them for Christmas!) So they're happily playing on the deck with their new special things, even as I type this. But as I watered my flowers, I overheard their Barbies "talking." It went something like this:

Barbie #1: "Do you have anything you'd like to say?"
Barbie #2: "Yes. I love Jesus."
Barbie #1: "Do you have a Bible verse you'd like to share?"
Barbie #2: "I can't remember it."
Barbie #1: "Okay, hold your breath!"
Barbie #2 gets dunked underwater (full submission style) by Barbie #1
Barbie #1: "How do you like your new life in Christ?"
Barbie #2: "It's great!"
Repeat scenario for multiple Barbie dolls.

I'm thankful that the Barbies living in this house have no shame and are proud to proclaim their love for Jesus. Now maybe they could go put on a little clothes. Especially you, one-legged Ken.

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I was too hot and tired and hungry to make lunch today, so I decided that we'd make smoothies for lunch today. I didn't expect it to go over very well, after all, the girls were "starving," but it was A HIT. Everyone loved them. How have I gone a whole month into summer break without making smoothies? This pregnant girl is hooked. I made several batches and experimented with different ingredients each time.

The girls were super stoked and thought it was awesome that smoothies were the WHOLE LUNCH. Wow. Have I been going overboard this whole time with balanced, healthy meals? They thought the best part was that they got to have them in "grown-up glasses" with straws. Simple pleasures, I guess.
I'm thinking this will be a familiar scene for the rest of the summer.

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I planted marigolds this summer. Uhhh... WHY? It turns out I don't like them. They stink! Literally! And they're not all that pretty! I feel like they look dead half the time anyway. If you're a marigold lover, please share the love. I've been trying to dead-head them and love them, but I'm thinking this inaugural marigold season in my yard may also be their retirement season.
I like the color... but that's about it. Am I just pregnant and cranky? Well, yeah. That might be part of it. There was a short time in my life when I wanted to name one of my kids Marigold. That's definitely not the case anymore. (And it was because of Magic for Marigold, by L.M. Montgomery, in case you wondered.)

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As I was watering my flowers, Emma came to me FREAKING out because a mosquito was on her arm. She wouldn't brush it off because she was afraid it would hurt. I brushed it off in a hurry, but it was too late. How do I know? Because when it landed on my arm a second later and I SLAPPED it to it's death, it was a red, bloody mess. At least it was Emma's blood.

Eww. At least I hope it was. She does have a bite now in that spot. But still. Ewww.

- - -

Okay, Emma just came to the back door telling me about the mud bath she's making for her Barbies. I think it's time to wrap this up.

Happy Monday to you all!

Friday, June 18, 2010


I turned 33 this week.
33 weeks! I'm 33 weeks along today, and feeling pretty good! Aside from feeling like my body is falling apart, feeling utterly exhausted 97% of the time and battling the heartburn, contractions, restless leg syndrome and hugeness that just comes with the territory, I feel awesome.

I am so ready to meet this baby.

This baby has come a long way from being the size of a kumquat to weighing about as much as a pineapple now. We still don't know what it is and we're glad for that. The anticipation is so fun! We're seven weeks out from our due date and still need to come up with names. But as much as I feel like I'm about to pop and can't possibly get any bigger, I just have to remind myself that there are many days left. And knowing this is our last baby, I'm trying to appreciate it all. Even when the baby kicks so hard and so often that it wakes me up in the middle of the night. I guess it's just getting me used to those sleepless nights that are inevitable, right?

But this week, I also turned... 33!
Here are my sisters, Abby and Amy, singing "Happy Birthday" to me the night before my actual birthday. They were quite enthusiastic. Watch out, American Idol.
Earlier that day, my mom and Amy and I took all the kids to the park for a picnic. We had so much fun! (This is kind of picture heavy, but how do you edit out all the cuteness?)

We spent the night at my folks' house that night, and it was fun to wake up there the morning of my birthday. I went in to the girls' room to say good morning, and they made me close my eyes and shouted "surprise" while presenting me with homemade cards... that they made without any prompting by anyone! Way to go, sweet girls!

After a lazy morning and lunch with my mom, we headed home to see Gary who was able to come home from Middle School camp to help celebrate my birthday. What a fun surprise! He sent me on a fun scavenger hunt around the house to find my birthday present - a new video camera! Yay!

We had dinner at Texas Roadhouse (how delicious are their dinner rolls and cinnamon butter?!), played with the kids at the park, and ended the night with a movie and Ben & Jerry's. Pretty perfect if you ask me!

Monday, June 07, 2010

Flying solo

As day three of single-momming it comes to a close, I thought I'd reflect on just a few reasons why Gary needs to come back PRONTO.

The kids are snuggled up in their beds (or on top of them since it's 90 degrees in my house), and I mustered up all the energy I could in order to clean my kitchen. And so now, I'm proud to present you with my sink.
It's clean enough to make the FlyLady proud. That glass in there is from the orange juice I just finished. It would be really great if I could remember BEFORE I drink OJ that it causes me serious heartburn. But no, I'm being reminded of it as I'm typing this. That blue sippy cup has been in the sink since Saturday morning, just hours after Gary left. Why? I can NOT open it. I don't even remember if it had milk or juice or water in it, and I wonder if it'll still be recognizable once it's opened. Until it's opened, it can't be washed. And until Gary's home, it can't be opened. Unless I take it next door to my neighbor who doesn't have kids and has probably never opened a sippy cup in his life... which I just might have to do tomorrow!

Which reminds me, you know those thin, flimsy rubber things that help you open jars that just won't open? I had some friends in college that called it a "husband" - as in, "Grab the husband - I can't open the pickles!"


I need my husband.

Next to my sparkling clean sink is this:

A bowl of soapy water. Why? Because I heard it attracts moths. And I hate moths. There were a ton of moths out this evening... when the kids would NOT keep the back door shut. I don't know if I have any moths in my house now, but let's just say this is a preemptive strike against the moths. If the husband were home, I wouldn't need it because I could just have him kill the moths. In the meantime, I'm hoping this does the trick, but OH HOW I HOPE there are no moths in there by morning, because it means a) there were moths IN MY HOUSE and b) I will have to dump it and that will freak me out.

I am not usually this neurotic, but I guess having Gary gone brings out the best in me. Not.

Don't even get me started on my runaway imagination. Just typing it makes me twitch. I'm my own worst enemy when he's away because of the scenarios I think of. I know I can't be the only one who sleeps with every phone in the house (landline, cell phone, Fisher-Price phone) on the pillow next to her, along with the laptop and flashlight and list of phone numbers just in case... right? I'm stopping there just because I seriously am freaking myself out just by thinking about it all.

Another reason he needs to come home now? I'm exhausted. Today was one of those days when I counted down the seconds until bedtime. I'm so thankful for an engaged husband and daddy who helps out and is truly a partner in this parenting thing. Major props to those who do this alone all the time. I don't know how you do it. Normally, just knowing that he's coming home at the end of the day is often what gets me through... but when he's gone, and I know there's no relief until bedtime, but REALLY no full relief until he's HOME is tough.

Come home, Gary! I'm so glad to share you so you can share the love of Jesus with others... but so very glad when you're home. It's better when you're here.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Moooving ahead

I'm ba-a-a-ack!

I've been working on a new post for the last week and have been trying for two days to publish, but it won't let me. (I wonder if this one will publish without giving me a hassle?) So, it's saved, and maybe I'll try again, but I'm kind of figuring at this point that it's just not meant to be. After reading it a dozen times, it is kind of a downer post, but it did have some good truths in it.

The gist was this: Good riddance, May! Bring on June.

So here we are, June 2nd. It seems the perfect time to begin a new tradition called, "2 on the 2nd!"

You're right. That sounds totally, totally lame. Mer is definitely on to something with her "10 on the 10th" deal. I'll stick with that. (And apparently, if you look back, you'll notice that April and May must not have had 10ths this year. Or maybe I'm a huge ol' blogging slacker.)

But since I need to kick-start my blogging mojo, and since I'm curious about if THIS post will publish, and since I have 20 minutes before it magically turns into "3 on the 3rd," I think I'll crank out two quickies and call it a night.

1. Kristen, this post is for you. No more "Eggs to Dye For." You're welcome.

2. While I'm thrilled that Brody has started talking more, I'm not thrilled that he began calling me "Ma-Moo" this week. Yes, I'm pregnant and packing on the pounds, but seriously my little guy. Can we please refrain from the cow references? Thanks.