Thursday, April 26, 2007

Blogs and Links and Stalkers... oh my!

So here's my question... there are lots of blogs I read and love, but I don't know the person behind the blog. Some I've never even left comments, so they don't know I exist. Is it weird to link their blogs here without them knowing? Am I supposed to ask? I just think my huge fanbase (ha ha) would also like the blogs. Deep thoughts.

Also, I'm sure a few random anonymous people pop in and out of here once in awhile. I guess when I think about it, I'd be honored if they (you?) felt like linking my blog on yours, so maybe I'll just go for it.

I just wouldn't want one of those people I don't know to stumble across my site, see they've been linked and think I'm a super scary stalker. I promise I'm not.

What do you think? If you're one of my stalkers and never leave a comment... welcome! ;)


Public Service Announcement: Colgate's Sparkling White Vanilla Mint toothpaste is nasty. If anyone out there would like a full tube - minus two squeezes - I would be happy to send it to you.

(Why two squeezes? Gary: [squeeeeze] "Ewww! Here Angie, try this. It's GROSS!" Angie: [squeeeeze] "Okay! ... it's not bad... okay, it's sick!")

Whew. I can rest easy now that I've done my civic duty for the day.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Will she think it was a dream?

The time: 8:52. p.m.

The setting: Emma's bedroom.

The scene: As Emma is drifting off to dreamland, Daddy rushes in to her bedroom with 8 high school kids in tow, camera in hand. They are headed for the shower in the Jack-n-Jill bathroom, determined to get a picture of people standing in a shower. Ten seconds later they emerge from the bathroom, fly down the stairs and leave the house, hoping they've won the photo scavenger hunt. Emma sits up in bed, dazed, and falls back on her pillow.

And that, my friends, is what it's like living with a Youth Pastor.

Milestone! First trip to the Dentist... and other random things

Emma went to the dentist for the first time ever today! She was so pumped about it. I've been talking it up the last few days, telling her about the fun chair, the cool light, the mirror, the tiny camera, etc. She was SO excited. Well, I'm happy to report that she did awesomely awesome. She was polite to Miss Connie the hygienist, she sat perfectly still, opened her mouth VERY wide and... drumroll please... had NO cavities! Hooray! Usually the first visit is a "happy visit" where they just make the kiddos feel comfortable so as to not scare them, but Emma was so well prepped and brave, that they went ahead and did an entire cleaning. My heart was just bursting with pride. I'm so proud of my little dental patient.

And of course I documented the whole thing! Duh!

Backing up to this morning... I could NOT take my eyes off of the mountains on my drive into church! I took this picture from my church parking lot and it does not even do the scene justice. The contrast of the blue sky, white snow on the tips of the mountains, green hills at the base of the mountains and PINK trees in the foreground was too much for my soul to bear! I kept tearing up on my way in to town because it was so gorgeous. Anyway, here's the picture that just doesn't come to close to how pretty it was - taken while corraling Emma with my leg from going into the street, holding Addie on my hip and with a heavy diaper bag in the crook of my arm. Now THAT'S desperation! Thank you Lord, for giving me your beauty today and refreshing me just by showing me your creation this morning. It made me feel revived and awake and happy... who needs coffee?!

Finally, I just want to say that the two houses next door for me are for sale. Please someone (Michelle) buy them! Preferably someone who has two kids roughly the ages of my kids who would be fun to hang out with! Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Tough day.

Romans 8:26-27... "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will."

Friday, April 20, 2007

Apple trees

(Get ready to fall out of your seats......I'm blogging twice in one day!)

Last night we were getting ready to go somewhere, and Emma spotted our neighbors watering their flowers. She quickly turned and stooped down low to look at some soil in front of our house. I watched her without saying anything, and called her to the car. As she crawled into her seat, I saw the concerned look on her face and could tell she was pondering something deep and significant.

"What's the matter, Ems?"

"I'm having a little trouble."

"With what?"

"Well, I planted my seeds, but my apple tree just isn't growing!"

At this point, I remembered that yes, she had saved some apple seeds from lunch one day and put them in that soil. I didn't want to burst her bubble that day, so I didn't tell her they probably wouldn't grow, plus I thought she'd forget about it. I guess I forgot that Emma truly has an AMAZING memory. So, I told her that they probably needed a bigger area to grow in, and that she could help me plant some flowers.

At dinner, I could tell she was still mulling this sordid apple tree situation over in her mind. I asked her what she was thinking about, and she held out her hands and counted on her fingers, "Plants need water and dirt and sunshine to grow. I just tried and tried and it didn't grow!" Sweet Emma.

So today... we got home from our picnic with Daddy and she went over to check on her hopeless apple tree. I got a little nervous when I heard her squeal, and just started laughing when I spotted what she had seen. "MY TREE! It's starting!" I'm tempted to pull the weed that decided to reveal itself on this warm day, and replace it with an shiny red apple. What would she do?! LOL!

Oh, how I love spring!

Gary's been working super long hours lately (especially this week as he's preaching on Sunday), so we went into Boulder today to meet him for a picnic lunch. We walked along Boulder Creek and found a picnic table in a semi-sunny spot (we wanted full sun!). It was so wonderful! We munched on our PB&J and watched the ducks float by, people lounging on rocks near the creek, people jogging by with their dogs trying to keep up... all in the warm sun. I'm so thankful spring is here at last. I love seeing the tiny buds of new life on the trees (Emma loves the PINK trees, of course!) and how everything smells fresh and sweet. There is still a little chill in the air to remind us that there are probably a few more very cold days to come before winter is definitely behind us, but it's more bearable than snow being on the ground for 63 days straight, that's for sure!

We went down to Abby's place to celebrate her birthday this week and I couldn't resist taking this picture of my tuckered-out girls when we got home. They were zonked! I promise I did not "pose" them. :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Sad day.

I just ate my last Thin Mint. *sigh* It's actually a miracle that they lasted this long, I guess.

But in case you don't know, the Keebler Grasshoppers are amazingly similar (and a heck of a lot cheaper!).

I'm adding them to my grocery list!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Happy {belated!} Easter... and I'm off!

I had to come and post a few pics so my millions of fans wouldn't think I'd abandoned my poor little blog.

My in-laws were here for a week and left yesterday. Great visit! Easter weekend was fun... I'll let the pictures speak for themselves

In summary: ADDIE LOVES EASTER CANDY. Good to know.

Now I'm off for a weekend away! JUST ME! I'm leaving the girls and Gary behind for a weekend away at a church Women's Retreat with some friends. It's in Buena Vista so it will be far away and gorgeous. Just what I need! I'm so looking forward to this time of refreshment and renewal. My iPod is loaded, my bags are (not) packed, and I can't wait for some good girlfriend time. Now if we can just navigate safely through the snow to get there...

Have a great weekend!