Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Spring at last!

Today was a good day! Spring has sprung, and I can even see some green little buds on the tree next door when I peer over the fence. Hooray! Emma and I played Chutes and Ladders out on the deck today under the umbrella. It was so relaxing. What a sweet time to spend with her, even if she's confused and wants to go down all the slides in the game. LOL! It does seem backwards, though, doesn't it? Why would the reward be to go UP a ladder and the punishment to go DOWN a slide? :)

Tomorrow my parents are coming up to help with "Operation Purple Bathroom" to undo the 'surprise' Gary left for me a year ago. When we talked about a purple bathroom, we apparently had two different ideas in mind. With him coming home on Friday... I thought I'd take this opportunity to redo it. Hope he's not too mad! Right now it's a very high-gloss (yikes) dark, vibrant purple. Tomorrow by this time it will be a soothing greenish-gray shade of "Manatee Grey". Ahhhh... can't wait.

So I'm a little early for Thursday's challenge, but here goes!
Challenge: Do you have a special place/places in your home, where you consider it to be your sanctuary?? You know what I mean, that special place FOR YOU, where you feel cuddled, loved, warm and fuzzy, and at peace?
It would have to be Emma's room. We took so much time to make it just right. Despite so many late nights nursing, calming crying babies and changing stinky diapers, this room is so restful and precious to me. I think it's because I've spent so much time in there with my precious babies, living my dream come true. I can sit in there where it's quiet and smells like my girls (in a good way!) and feel so relaxed and full. Not to mention it's so BEAUTIFUL! I dreamed it up and Gary made it happen. What a team.

Is it Friday yet?

Gary will be home Friday and I cannot wait! After two weeks of him away, I'm exhausted. I'm just totally fried. I have no idea how single, working moms do it. I'm ready for him to be home AND I'm ready to be done with this temporary tax job! Ugh! BO-RING!

Last week was awful. I'm not sure anyone will ever know how down I felt or how dark everything seemed. I was so surprised at how ugly I could be... in my thoughts, in my actions... I did not like who I was at all. I can't explain it. Thankfully that little slump is over, and the last few days have been great. I'm admittedly pooped beyond belief with Gary away, but it seems God has given me an extra dose of patience that I desperately needed. (I mean, DESPERATELY!) It seems He's also teaching Emma how to obey, which makes her much more pleasant to be around! We've had so much fun giggling and playing the last few days. I even bought her Chutes and Ladders today... I cannot wait to play it tomorrow!

Well, I thought I'd take a minute to do one of the challenges I always read about at 2Peas and rarely do. Here we go!
Use your blog to write about YOUR HOPES AND WISHES for YOU. No one else. Not your kids. Not your better half. Not friends and family. But your hopes and wishes for YOU and you alone. What are they? Do you have any? What are YOUR hopes and wishes? YOUR dreams? Elaborate as you wish. Remember, this one is all about YOU. You matter. How you feel counts. What your deepest dreams, passions are. Write them down. Get specific. Imagine.
It's really hard for me to seperate ME from my FAMILY. They are so much a part of me. Ever since I was little I wanted to be a mommy. Not a doctor, not an actress, not a dancer... A MOMMY. I'm a wife first, and then a mommy, and I couldn't be happier. Before my kids were born, I learned to take my job as a wife seriously, to love my husband just as God wants me to. Now that I'm a mommy at last, my heart just feels like it's bursting with love, and somehow my heart grows as my family does. I didn't think that was possible!

So what are my hopes and wishes for ME? Simply that I would be the best wife and mommy I can be. Really! Sounds cheesy, I know. The moment my first baby was born I felt like I had finally fulfilled my purpose here on earth. I'm just made to be a mom. I have days where I'm pretty crummy at it (lots of those days), but in the end, if I can look back and see that my kids love and respect me despite all the mommy mistakes I made, then I'll feel like I did a good job.

But if you want a more tangible answer...
I wish I had a 1 3/4" square punch.
I wish my bedroom was yellow.
I wish I could buy a new wardrobe.
I wish Michelle still lived here.
I hope I get courage to tell my friends about Jesus.
I wish my scrapbooking area was cleaner and more organized.
I hope I can get my bathroom repainted before Gary gets home.
I hope Gary cleans up all the mice poop in the basement when he gets home... it gives me the creeps.
I hope I go to bed before 1 a.m. tonight!!!